
Uploading images to the cloud with BaaS in RAD Studio XE6

In Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio XE6, we integrate with leading Backend as a Service (BaaS) providers to add functionality and platform services to your applications. With BaaS, you get easy access to common services in the cloud without having to build or maintain the backend services yourself. This includes support for being able to upload images to your BaaS account using RAD Studio…
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Remote push notifications on Android with RAD Studio XE6

In RAD Studio XE6, we introduced support for remote push notifications with our BaaS (Backend as a Service) integration. We include components for Kinvey and Parse, two popular BaaS providers, right out of the box. Our BAAS framework in RAD Studio XE6 is based on our REST…

Error 'Could Not Load SSL Library' when using Indy SSL components

Author: Embarcadero USA Problem: When using the Indy SSL components, an error ‘Could Not Load SSL Library’ is raised. Answer: This error is raised because you must have OpenSSL installed on your machine in order to use the IndySSL components. At runtime, Indy attempts to load libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. Due to restrictions on exporting SSL technology, these .dll’s are…
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