C++DelphiRAD Studio

5 Recommended Tools To Build A Multi Platform App

Technology up-gradation has boosted developers’ requirements to compete in the market. For advanced features and high-performance, multi platform app tools are becoming a necessity as it has become common now for users to have a variety of devices on which they consume content and perform daily functions. By 2021, the demand for a multi platform app had surpassed $7.9 Billion and there is no…
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C++CodeDelphiRAD Studio

The Pros And Cons Of Low Code App Development Platforms

You know a lot about low code app development if you follow us. The beginner’s guide was the initial tutorial/article about low-code platforms. In that article, we have explored and learnt new things about no-code platforms in certain ways. If you have not read that article, here you can see what you can learn from it: No-Code MovementDifferences between Low-Code PlatformsWhy Low-Code…
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Benchmark Study: Which Target Platforms Do Electron And Delphi Support?

Which target platforms do Delphi and Electron support? The “Discovering The Best Cross-Platform Framework Through Benchmarking” whitepaper evaluates two frameworks supporting multi-platform desktop application development: Delphi and Electron. Delphi Delphi, encapsulated in the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Studio IDE, is Embarcadero Technologies’ flagship product. A proprietary…
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C++RAD Studio

5 Reasons We Are Addicted To App Builder Software

Apps make the most part of our lives and their usage is only going to increase. No wonder app downloads increased worldwide by more than 63 percent to 230 billion in 2021. There are countless uses of apps found in our daily lives. With apps, individuals can measure daily…
C++IDERAD Studio

Which Is The Best C++ IDE For A Newbie?

Born in 1985, the C++ programming language is still very popular and widely used today. C++ programmers are in demand across almost all fields and niches of software development, from business and consumer apps to databases and operating systems. Being a relatively simple…

InterBase Database Encryption - How To Do It

InterBase Encryption is supported starting with InterBase 2009. InterBase enables you to encrypt information at one or both of the following levels: Database Level Encryption (InterBase encrypts all of the database pages that contain user information). Column Level Encryption (Column-level encryption is more flexible and specific). Using InterBase Database Encryption you can also encrypt…
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