
Use the Excel.Application in C++Builder(bcc64)[JAPAN]

Author: Pixelot12345 How to use the Excel.Application in C++Builder. Target device is Win64. Use the ComObj, call in CreateOleObject (“Excel.Application”). Including ComObj is required. In C++Builder it is below. //// #include "System.Win.ComObj.hpp" Import from CSV file to Excel file. //// constexpr wchar_t const def_filename[] =…
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Get Started Fast With RAD Studio For Cross Platform Development On Android, iOS, macOS, And Windows

Author: Daniele Fare If you are new to RAD Studio and Delphi or you are a long time user these videos will help you setup and configure each of the platforms supported by RAD Studio and Delphi. The platforms supported by VCL apps are Win32 and Win64. The platforms supported by cross platform FMX apps are Android, iOS 32, iOS 64, iOS Simulator, macOS, Win32, and Win64. You can quickly build and…
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Appx Development for Windows 10 Store

Author: CARLOS M6766 One of the most interesting new features introduced in RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 2 Anniversary Edition is the support for building Windows 10 APPX application packages. YouTube reply of EMEA Embarcadero developer webinar “Appx Development for…

Mixing Delphi and C++

Author: NatSam Would you like to add C++ to your Delphi application? Or add Delphi code to your C++ application? Here’s how. One thing you might not know is how closely integrated the C++ and Delphi languages are in RAD Studio. You can compile a single application in a single project to a single EXE, mixing both languages. (And of course you can do so using DLLsor packages as well.) If…
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Learn To Setup And Configure SSL & TLS For RAD Studio EMS, DataSnap, REST And Web Services

This replay sessionby Robert Lovefrom CodeRage X will cover how to establish secure communication channels using with EMS, DataSnap, Rest, Web services, and raw Indy Sockets. It covers using SSL & TLS, OpenSSL, SSL with Indy, SSL with IIS, and how to configure ISAPI with SSL. It also covers older versions and which versions are vulnerable to POODLE. There is a demonstration of…
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