
Tears of Ra - Cool Apps Selection

Today’s CoolApps selection is Tears of Ra, by Konstantinos Onoufriadis. It is an Egyptian-themed slot machine app that is a lot of fun to play and explore. Tears of Ra was written and developed with Delphi and is availablenow on Android. I asked Konstantinos why he loves working with Delphi, and he told me that it allows him to change his life through programming. Tears of Ra is a great…
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Delphi Android 64-bit In-App-Purchase Fix

We have found a severe issue with the TInAppPurchase component on Android 64-bit and here is a workaround you can apply directly to your code. After our release of RAD Studio 10.3.3, which includes for the first time Delphi Android 64-bit support, a few customers have…

Delphi 10.3.3 Android Debugging Patch

Issues debugging Delphi Android 64-bit applications have been resolved We’ve just released a patch for Delphi 10.3.3, addressing the following issues when debugging Android 64-bit applications on Android devices: RSP-26704 Debugging 64 bit Android application hangs…

GM Update [ em português ]

Portuguese translation of GM Update E chegamos mais uma vez àquela época do ano de celebrar e agradecer famílias, colegas e clientes. Sendo uma empresa global, precisamos reconhecer o fato de que muitos desses sentimentos variam bastante em cada país, mas a tecnologia nos aproximou e nos possibilitar compartilhar mais e nos aproximarmos mais uns dos outros. A Embarcadero continua…
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GM Update [ Türkçe ]

Turkish translation of GM Update Yılın bu zamanında ailelerimizi, meslektaşlarımızı ve müşterilerimizi kutlarız ve teşekkür ederiz. Global bir şirket olarak, bu duyguların çoğunun ülkeden ülkeye büyük ölçüde değiştiğini kabul etmek…

GM Update [ en español ]

Spanish translation of GM Update Es nuevamente esa época del año en que celebramos y agradecemos a nuestras familias, colegas y clientes. Como una empresa global, debemos reconocer que muchos de estos sentimientos varían mucho de un país a otro, pero la tecnología nos…

GM Update [ en français ]

French translation of GM Update Nous sommes à nouveau à cette période de l’année où nous célébrons et remercions nos familles, collègues et clients. En tant qu’entreprise mondiale, nous devons reconnaître que les festivités varient considérablement d’un pays à l’autre, mais la technologie nous a tous rapprochés et nous permet de mieux se connaître et…
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